Trip 01

Web editor = epic pt 6 lol

Editing this through my phone ! This web code editor is pretty neat!

the shit :

aight so after contemplating leaving my house when not mandatory for 60 years , i have finally convinced myself to leace town and go "have fun". Not sure if i suceeded at that but im not regrenting that i want i had a few pretty interesting convos while i was there and the scenery was nice.
We went to a party "cage rage", but there was no rage except from the bouncers that stood outside. I remember my friend and i trying ti go to the bathroom and the boucner yellung "WHERE YA GOING" like "skull emoji" bruv were gonna go fucking pee dw we aint killing no1 lol. Quick summary : party lame but we joked around so it wasnt a total bust

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